Nourishing the
spiritually thirsty.

We aim to bring the wealth of Sacred Tradition to a generation attuned to listening rather than reading.

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Keep an eye out for our
Spring 2025 Conference.

What is Patristic Nectar?

Patristic Nectar Publications is a non-profit California business created to advance the cause of the Orthodox Christian faith by the publication of materials for catechesis designed both for the edification of Orthodox believers and the illumination of a wide array of non-Orthodox inquirers.

Our publications are marked by zealous fidelity to the mind of the Orthodox Church as expressed in the writings of the Holy Fathers and produces a wide range of patristic audio books in order to bring the wealth of Sacred Tradition to a generation attuned to listening rather than reading.

Our entire online
lecture catalog is free.

That includes all Theological Lectures, Synaxarion, Philokalia, Psalter, Homilies, and Conference Audio.

Our Teachers

Father Josiah Trenham 

Fr. Josiah is a native Southern Californian. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1993, and was awarded the Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Durham, England, in 2004. He has served as pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, Ca. since 1998.  Father Josiah was married in 1988, and has ten children.

Bishop Irenei (Steenberg)

His Grace Irenei was appointed Bishop of London and Western Europe by decision of the Holy Synod on 7th / 20th September 2018. Previously he had been Bishop of Sacramento, Vicar of the Western American Diocese, and had served as Administrator of the Diocese of Great Britain and Ireland from 2017.

Fr. Maximos Constas

Fr. Maximos is the Interim Dean of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.  Fr. Maximos is an internationally recognized scholar with expertise in the theology of the Church Fathers, and has been serving as Senior Research Scholar at Holy Cross since 2011. He has published extensively and lectured widely.

Subscribe to our
new kid’s channel!

PNP is pleased to present a new kid’s channel with weekly content to provide a Christian resource for children to hear about the lives of the saints (Synaxarion), storytime with Christian children’s books, and weekly sermons for children about the upcoming Sunday's Gospel.

We need your support.

Our entire online lecture catalog is available for free, so please consider donating to fuel our ministry and growth. Monthly recurring donors get exclusive access to content. To donate, text “PNP” to 53-555 or click here.

All donations are tax-deductible.